torsdag 31 mars 2011

Quick review: Tesla Plushies (Android game)

There you have the intro video for this fun and challenging Android game. I have beaten all levels except level hard #13. It often takes several tries to figure out how to make the plushies behave the way you want.

Once you have learned the game physics it becomes more of a fun challenge and spare time killer then a plain frustrating time waster.

If you have an Android, try it out now!

Posted via email from Nat's blog

lördag 5 mars 2011

Quick Mirror's Edge review

Mirror's Edge is one of those great games that faaar to few people understand and appreciate. I recently found the game for 99 SEK, so I bought it and I loved it.

It is fun to play it a second time when you have learned how you play it. Everything goes much faster the second time, and you also find a lot of new paths and learn how to reach some of the paths you never thought you'd reach.

Like when you find out how to run right past by some cops in 5 seconds when it used to take over a minute to beat them up (one by one as always) or you'd got shot down.

Wall running and big jumps are always fun, which ME has a lot of. :)

Unfortunately my computer crashed recently, so I can't give you any of my screen shots.

Posted via email from Nat's blog